


Masan Consumer is dedicated to adhering to Vietnam’s environmental laws and fostering initiatives for environmental protection among our team. We tailor our environmental monitoring programs based on operational environmental impacts and the local communities in which a particular entity is located. Masan Consumer’s Legal and Compliance department, together with the Safety, Health, and Environment department, are responsible for group-wide compliance and monitoring of environmental laws and regulations. On the implementation front, Masan Consumer’s technical department carries out actions, including sampling, operating systems, and enhancing environmental protection initiatives.

Environment - Masan Consumer

Climate Change

Masan Consumer is mindful of the impact of climate change on the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector in Vietnam and across the globe. Aligned with our group-wide climate goals, we commit to reduce our carbon emissions by 15% by 2030 and achieve Net zero by 2050. To get there, we are actively developing decarbonization strategies and robust climate risk management at the corporate level, with a clear roadmap outlining our specific actions.

As part of our decarbonization journey, we have conducted GHG Scope 1 and 2 accounting to understand the main sources and to manage our emissions. We used the standardized GHG data collection and calculation tool across Masan Group.

GHG emission sources included in MSC’s 2023 GHG inventory were identified under the following categories

Environment - Masan Consumer
Stationary combustion (including biogenic emission), mobile combustion, fugitive emission of hydrofluorocarbon (HFCs) from refrigeration system, fugitive emission from wastewater treatment system, process emission.
Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)
Environment - Masan Consumer
Purchased electricity from national grid and purchased steam from third-party.
Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)

GHG biogenic emission were quantified and reported separately as required per ISO 14064-1:2018. Our GHG Scope 1 and 2 emission accounting was performed using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory and align with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol – A corporate accounting and reporting standard.

Our 2024 target is 100% MSC’s factories conducting GHG accounting and certified to ISO 14064:1

Environmental Stewardship

Masan Consumer was awarded the ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System Certification in 2023. This recognition acknowledges our commitment to energy conservation and motivates us to maintain and expand our energy-saving practices across all our operations.

Environment - Masan Consumer

Water and Effluents

Water management is a key aspect of our operations, with efforts aimed at enhancing efficiency, promoting reuse, and engaging in stewardship. We consider local water requirements while actively monitoring our water usage across the business. We also enhanced our wastewater treatment system in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. In 2023, we secured the necessary environmental permits from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for our facilities in Binh Duong Province. In addition, all effluents from our facilities in Binh Duong, Hai Duong, and Nghe An Provinces are qualified as Type A, which is the highest rank according to Vietnamese Standards before discharging to the environment.

We also committed to transparency in our wastewater management processes. To this end, we have implemented an automated wastewater monitoring system that allows for ongoing and direct reporting to the Bình Dương Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

Our long-term goals are to cut water use by 5 to 10% per production unit by 2025 through enhanced water recycling practices. In 2024, we plan to assess our existing water consumption levels and secure approval for targeted water recycling opportunities.

Environment - Masan Consumer


Across our business segments, we manage diverse waste types, focusing on reducing waste generation, enhancing recycling, and ensuring compliant disposal. We acknowledge the importance of adopting a circular economy, especially in waste production and resource optimization for consumer-focused companies.

In 2024, we plan to assess our current waste production levels with a more comprehensive data collection approach, document our waste recycling process, and secure approval for prioritized waste reduction targets and opportunities. By 2025, we aim to boost our waste recycling by 50%.

Waste diversion practices

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